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Friday, January 14, 2011

Weekend ABCs...

Well, this is a little goal for this year is to be more timely about my posts...better late than never, right?

A- Amanda's---favorite thrift store in Indy...moved!
B- Being together with my girliepoos!!
C- Cookies (peanut butter...shared with us by Lori!!)
D- Delightful time with JUST US!! :)
E- Enjoying our gift of time!
F- Fifty percent off of everything at Goodwill!
G- Girl's lazy weekend!
H- Hairdos...we tried a bunch of new ones!
I- Ipod playlists...we sang at the top of our lungs in the car!
J- January 7th, 8th, and 9th...Sophie gets the front seat on odd days...lucky her!
K- Kept the dishes done consistently all weekend! (I know...don't judge)
L- Lil' Ceasar's CRAZY bread...oh my...yum
M- Movie Night...(Charlie St. Cloud and Despicable Me)
N- New style from Sophie (should have taken a picture...)
O- Online frustrations...(spent 5 and a half hours on the phone with ATT Uverse)
P- Printing pictures for the Science Fair!
Q- Quest for bargains
R- Recording Surprise...all of our shows were still recorded...
S- Snowed a little bit too...
T- Tech Support...(see O)
U- Uncle Marshall and Aunt Phoebe's house for lunch!
V- Vintage maps...a beautiful, map themed Christmas tree was given to us!
W- West Clay Shops in Westfield
X- Xtreme service calls...(See T and O)
Y- Yummy Peanut Butter PIE!
Z- Zero meltdowns from anyone all was truly HAPPY!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Just a little

I'm sort of reorganizing my blog...
just doing a little...
this quote spoke to me today...

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little. ~Edmund Burke

So, here I am...just doing a little. :)

On Sunday, look for my ABC weekend!
Happy Weekend!!
I have my kiddos and I'm ready to roll!!