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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last days of school...

I just love these smiles, watching the stress leaving their bodies, and the promise of relief that summer brings!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sophie's Ready for Middle School...

When I taught middle school, the two biggest fears were taking showers after PE class and the dreaded LOCK! Sophie has been having the fear of the lock...lockophobia, perhaps? Anyway, she's been practicing...

She did it!!! :) Yay, Sophie!

FMS, here she comes!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's all perspective...

After making my kids watch Secret Millionaire with me, we had a discussion on homelessness.

Sophie: "If that were me, I would go get a job...and a place to live."
Izzy: "They can't."

Sophie: "But----"

Me: "Sometimes it's hard to convince people that you are a determined, hardworking person when you're homeless."

Sophie: "Well----"

Izzy: "He did it in The Pursuit of Happyness." [Our all-time favorite movie]

Me: "Yes, but that was just a movie...sometimes..."

Sophie: "It's easy... you just fill out the job application..."

Me: "But they ask you...what your last job was...what have you been doing that shows that you are a hard worker...that type of thing..."

Sophie: "Well, I would just tell them...I'm making my come-back!"

There it is, folks...easier than we might have thought...but what a great perspective...when you're down on your luck and people are questioning you about it, just tell them...

I'm making my comeback!