Things accomplished today:
- Washed a MOUNTAIN of dishes
- Took out the trash (which was HUGE this time because Izzy and Soph and I deep-cleaned their room recently)
- Loaded up the car and took over 16 bags of things to Goodwill
- Found toys to give one of our favorite itty-bitties (Molly)
- Registered my new car at the BMV
- Stripped the wallpaper from my BFF's bathroom (I will take before and after pictures...well, shoot...maybe in-between and after pictures)
- With Izzy's help, did 3 loads of laundry
- Cleaned out the utility sink (I'm not sure if that had been done...ever!)
- Took loads of books, tubs, and all kinds of other clutter to the basement for future deliberation
- Picked 14 cucumbers and 6 peppers from the garden
- Helped Sophie decorate a messenger bag...ROCK-ON Sophie!!
- Shopped for groceries to take on VACATION, which begins on Saturday!!
- Lost and then found my flip-flops about five times today!
- Walked the dog, watered plants, paid some bills
All in all...took care of business!
Happy sigh...
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