Friday, August 27, 2010
Happy People Beach Scuptures...
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Okay, I know I need to stop doing these, but folks...I think they are here to stay. I will maybe begin housing them in a different place on my blog...but I'm addicted...
I love this song with these pics...the girls really are "home" when they are together. Like it or not. :)
I hope you enjoy it like I am!!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Mourning Period...
I'm posting some first day of school pics...a week late...(I've been in denial for that long!)
Izzy Grace is in SEVENTH GRADE!!! And she looks like a 7th grader...
I didn't take MY first day of school picture...probably a good thing...
the tears would have you all choked up!
Just kidding.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Kindness Project...Sidewalk Chalk!
Shhh...don't tell, but we LOVE sidewalk chalk! We decided that there can't be enough happy messages spread around Frankfort, so we took to the sidewalks! Enjoy this video!!
Yes, we know that happy-ness was spelled wrong...we like it that way. We would really like to create the new word:
Have a happy-full day! Love, US!
Create your own video slideshow at
Fishing and Oval Beach
I just tried my hand at making a video and I'm TOTALLY addicted! :) How cute are these kiddos when they're fishing?! I have to say, I've never considered fishing to be hectic, however, with four kiddos needing worms on their hooks (because a fish had nibbled theirs off, or it was in the grass, or the one that got away had a great snack), I had a lot to do...and it was hectic! :)
Create your own video slideshow at
Thursday, August 19, 2010
More beach fun...
Those were some of the day-in, day-out beachy things we did...tomorrow, I will post a picture of the cutest sculpture that we came across! Look forward to it...SO cute!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
JET SKI day!!!

Here are the three of us! We had a blast...don't let Sophie's sad look fool you! There was a huge swing at the jet ski place and she had just fallen off of all bruised up...seems her little hiney was slippery on the swing! :( We live and we learn...don't you just hate that?!

Monday, August 16, 2010
Best Feeling...
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Remember we are working backwards...

Friday, August 13, 2010
Vacation...working backwards...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Number 19!!! Check!
Luh-huh-hove when that happens!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Overcast Day...
- Dream journal for Izzy (she LOVES to remember her dreams!!)
- Book journal for Lori...record books you've read (she can't ever remember if she's read a book or not!)
- Sign that says: Who are these kids and why do they keep calling me mom?!
- Rocks with great words on them...inspire, love, peace, hope...etc.
- Little craft that I can do...
- Magnetic words...enjoy...sweet...etc.
- Shower losenge that is aroma therapy for headaches, good feelings, etc.
- Amy Butler cute
- Church windows that are primitive, but lovely
- Copper sculpture for the yard that spins...sooo cute, but it is 975 dollars, so I won't be bringing it home...
- Picture with about 20 doors...when we commented on it, the owner of the store told us that she had taken all of the pictures when she went to Italy a year ago...then put them together on a was even better once we knew the story had happy written all over it!!
ENJOY TODAY...I will be!!!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
We have been to the beach, the art barn, the beach, horseback riding, and we will be heading back to the beach later on today! We are here checking the weather to plan the rest of the week! We have jet skis, duck ride, fishing, and other surprises still to go! I've finished one book, and have begun a new one...that I'm LOVING...called Driftwook Summer! Try it out...I want to be the main character, Riley...she has the perfect job--she owns a bookstore which is in the bottom of her house and she lives in a beach town...I'm just going to pretend that I'm Riley this week!
Talk to you soon,
Riley (aka Brenda)