1. Be kind.
2. Be kind.
3. Be kind.
So you can imagine my excitement when I discovered the very KINDEST website in the world!!
It is http://www.kindnessgirl.com/
Patience Salgado is just a beautiful person. Inside and out. I learn so much from her...daily. Here is a photo taken by Patience...the one and only kindnessgirl!
She has these great ideas for what she calls Guerrilla Goodness.
These painted rocks are beautiful reminders that kindness can be creative and always
We actually DID this idea for students who were going to summer school...the yucky kind of summer school. See my post with our copycat kindness!!
Well, we are gonna be doing some Guerrilla Goodness at our house!! We enjoy doing random acts of kindess, but these are a bit different....they are intentional, happy moments that are created and gifted to anyone and everyone.
Watch for some Gracious Girlie Goodness (because that is what it IS at our house) coming your way....