I DID get a picture of Izzy's new hairstyle she tried...it was so cute! She is creative and so much better at doing hair than I ever was!!
- I gathered things for taxes...
- Did a TON of paperwork...
- Sorted out my school bag...(can you say...BIG mess??!!)
- Shoveled...
- Crafted...
- Comforted my sick Sophie...
- Baked cookies...shared some...ate some
- Played games with the girls
- Read...
- Cleaned...
- ATE too much...
Mary Oliver quote that I'm loving right now at two in the morning...
"Instructions for living a life:
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it."
Well, I'll tell you all this astonishing fact that I've been paying attention to for the past three days...We have been cooped up in our little house since 4pm on Monday--no one going anywhere...and there have been NO cross words. No one mad. No one pouting. No one whining (well, maybe me, but I'm the mama!!) :)
It has been a beautiful time being together... I love snow days...and these beautiful girls!
*Big happy Sigh*
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